What’s Yours is Mine

Your fear is my fear
I can see inside you
I can feel your pain
Because what’s yours is mine

I jump inside you
And I know who you are
Deep down you are me
Because what’s yours is mine

Here or there
Doesn’t mean much
Distance is no barrier
Because what’s yours is mine

Lay down your burden
I’ll take you’re baggage
I want to see you free
Because what’s yours is mine

Hand over that suffering
Why should you hold it?
It’s cut you for to long
Because what’s yours is mine

Show me your darkness
You don’t need to hide it
You know you’re not alone
Because what’s yours is mine

©2016 by Awakening Wisdom Light


Photo©2014 by Ali Bindawood

CC BY-ND 2.0


How to Live Forever

Heaven is eternal – the earth endures.
Why do heaven and earth last forever?
They do not live for themselves only.
This is the secret of their durability.

For this reason the sage puts himself last
And so ends up ahead.
He stays a witness to life,
So he endures.

Serve the needs of others,
And all your own needs will be fulfilled.
Through selfless action, fulfillment is attained.

Tao te Ching verse 7
Translation by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Photo©2011 by Sweetie187

CC BY 2.0